This past week I made a horrible discovery. As I was getting ready to go out, I was out of toilet paper in the main bathroom. There is a closet across the hall that we keep pots and pans that don't fit in the kitchen and toilet paper, plastic bags and napkins. I opened the closet to get some toilet paper and whoa...the loose toilet paper rolls had been ransacked. I thought what the heck happened here? I pulled out the two drawer rolling cart that's in this closet and there was in the corner a nest a little mouse must have made. No mouse though.

Sigh, so we have a mouse in the house (that sounds like a song). I set up some poison traps to see if we can catch it. And, this explains why the fringe off my bathroom rug was eaten. Taz didn't eat it - the mouse did! I'm curious why the dogs haven't caught it yet but anyway having a mouse in the house does not make me a happy person...grrrr! We've had mice in the garage/basement but never upstairs in the main house. I just hope we catch it soon!
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