Saturday, July 21, 2007

5th Week

I completed my 5th week of physical therapy and everything seems to be going ok. I'm hoping I won't have to do the full 12 weeks. We'll see. The personal trainer is great. He's a little friendlier now. Sometimes I'm afraid of him...well, not afraid - it's just sometimes I feel I'm in the Army!!!

A weird episode happened on Thursday. Apparently I was bitten by a fire ant which left me red and sore on my left bicep. Sure, I thought maybe I had overworked my muscle and for the life of me I could not figure what bit me. My friends thought maybe a wolf spider which I do have around my house (outside of course!). But, wouldn't I know if a spider was on me? Afterall I do have arachnophobia -)

Today the ant bite is much better. It's not as red, sore and itching.

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